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Last updated on Tuesday 23 April 2024

How to build your social media presence as a small business

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As a small business owner, you know the importance of social media and the huge impact it can have on your success. But you’re probably already stretched for time and the thought of adding more marketing into your busy calendar can be daunting.

The trick? Putting together a social media strategy that has you working smarter, not harder. Not sure what that looks like? We’ve broken down each step of your social media strategy into bite size chunks. 

First of all: why do you need a social media strategy as a small business?

Imagine your upcoming experiences as a series of chapters in your brand's ongoing narrative. By identifying these moments ahead of time, you can craft content that not only highlights what you offer but also why it matters. The result? A growing audience of fans who can’t wait to come along to your events and are following your every (social) move. 

Embarking on your social media journey requires a sprinkle of strategy and a dash of dedication. It's not about posting for the sake of it; it's about creating a rhythm that resonates with the heartbeat of your business. Setting aside time for content planning is akin to laying the foundations of a home: it's what keeps your social presence sturdy and inviting.

Choosing the right platform(s) to focus on

In the fast-paced world of social media, small businesses often find themselves juggling multiple tasks with limited time. Planning is the cornerstone of maintaining a consistent and engaging online presence. 

By setting aside dedicated time for content planning, you can streamline your social media strategy, making it more manageable and less daunting.

Upcoming experiences and events are treasure troves for content creation. By aligning your content with these, you not only stay relevant but also ride the wave of current trends and discussions. It's crucial to identify the platforms where your target audience spends their time. 

Whether it's the visually-driven Instagram or TikTok, the community-focused Facebook, or the fast-paced Twitter, your choice of platform should reflect where your audience is most engaged.

Content calendar templates are invaluable tools in this process. They offer a structured approach to content planning, with suggested themes and post ideas tailored for different platforms. 

These templates often include sample posts and captions, which can serve as inspiration for crafting your own unique content. They also provide tips for effective storytelling and audience engagement techniques, helping you to connect with your followers on a deeper level.

When it comes to content scheduling, leveraging the built-in scheduling features of platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter can be a game-changer. These tools allow you to prepare content in advance and schedule it to go live at the most optimal times for engagement. 

For a more centralised approach, social media management apps including the free version of Hootsuite or TweetDeck for Twitter users, offer a dashboard from which you can manage multiple accounts and platforms. 

Overall, the key to a successful social media presence is consistency. By planning ahead and utilising the right tools, your small business can create a robust online presence that resonates with your audience, even when time is something you're lacking a little right now.

Content Creation

As a host, your primary goal is to captivate your audience by spotlighting the distinctive elements of your brand. 

Share the story behind your craft, the passion that fuels your work and the expertise that sets you apart. Whether it's the intricate details of your handiwork or the behind-the-scenes look at your workspace, these are the stories that forge a connection with your audience. 

Let them in on the secrets of your trade, the day-to-day operations and set clear expectations for what they'll gain from engaging with your brand.

Content Suggestions

  • Utilise short, engaging videos to showcase clients immersed in your services. Let the genuine reactions and testimonials speak for the value you provide.
  • Offer a window into your world with time-lapse videos that compress hours of work into seconds, providing insider insights of your creative journey.
  • Film the preparations for your events or services. This transparency builds trust and shows the dedication and effort that goes into every client interaction.
  • Lastly, document active sessions with photos that highlight the vibrancy and energy of your offerings. These snapshots can serve as powerful testimonials to how fun and exciting your events are.


Content Tips

  • Good lighting isn't just a tip; it's a necessity. It breathes life into your images and videos, ensuring your content looks as professional as the services you offer.
  • Include shots of people fully engaged - laughing, showcasing their achievements or deeply involved in the process. These images humanise your brand and illustrate the joy and satisfaction derived from your services.
  • Build up a rich collection of images and videos. This library will not only save you time but also provide a versatile toolkit for creating varied and engaging content across different platforms.

Engagement and Interaction

The heart of social media lies in engagement. It's not just about broadcasting content but also about building relationships. Small businesses should carve out dedicated time slots for interacting with their audience. 

This doesn't mean you need to be glued to your screen all day; setting aside at least 15 minutes per day to respond to comments, messages and chat away in relevant discussions can foster a sense of community and encourage growth.

Analytics and Reviews

Understanding what resonates with your audience is crucial. Even with a tight schedule, it's important to review social media performance regularly. Dedicating a short period, say 15 minutes a week, to analyse metrics like engagement, reach and follower growth can provide invaluable insights. 

By using built-in analytics tools or third-party applications, your small business can identify your top-performing content and refine your strategy, ensuring you're always one step ahead.

3 men celebrating

Next stop, social media success

Remember, increasing your social media presence shouldn’t feel like a chore. We hope that by incorporating these tips into your routine you can take small steps towards social media success without overwhelming your schedule!

Here’s a few things to remember:

  • Work smarter, not harder - use tools to help make your life easier.
  • Be consistent, not continuous - don’t post something every day for the sake of it.
  • Analyse and plan - keep analysing to know what your audience loves and what to do more of.

But most importantly, have fun with it!

Looking for more hints and tips for your small business? Take a look at our Host Help section for more.

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