Jumpfit UK

Jumpfit UK

This is one studio that keeps fitness and fun under one roof. There’s so much more to JumpFit than bouncing - there’s D’n’B boxing, hula hooping, rebounding, weighted routines and more.

JumpFit was born in Bristol in 2015. Founder Abbey wanted to give everyone access to fitness classes which put the fun back into exercising. Abbey is passionate about creating feel-good workouts which never feel like a chore. She's on a mission to help motivate people to move their bodies in fun and accessible ways. Workshops are suitable for all ages, shapes and abilities - inclusivity is what JumpFit is about.

Each JumpFit instructor started off as a member before they enrolled in teaching training and went on to become qualified instructors themselves. JumpFit is proud to keep it in the family like this - you never know, you might be next!

5 Experiences