Nettle Dress Film Screening + Q&A

Textile artist Allan Brown spends seven years making a dress by hand, just from the fibre of locally foraged stinging nettles. A modern day fairytale and hymn to the healing power of nature and slow craft. Followed by a filmed Q&A with the artist.

Adult Free
Student Free

Available dates

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How to get there


  • Toilets

Changes happen, don't worry

How to change dates
Change of plans? You can easily rebook the next available slot up to 1 days before your experience.
How to get a refund
Can't make it? We understand things happen! You can cancel and get a full refund up to 1 days before your experience.
Please note that this refund policy does not apply to gift bookings. You may reschedule your gift if outside the time period stated above. However, all gifts are non-refundable and expire exactly 1 year after the date of purchase.

Any questions?

Ask your question directly to Sustainable Fashion Week.

Available dates

Choose a slot to begin your booking