Self-care and wellbeing gifts in Bristol

5 thoughtful self-care gifts to boost someone's wellbeing

Last updated on Friday 28 June 2024

Give someone a self-care present and help them relax and unwind in 2022. 

The cold, grey drizzle of winter and the over-indulgence of Christmas can leave one feeling a little deflated and in need of a pick-me-up, so a thoughtful wellbeing or self-care gift might be just the thing your loved one needs. 

Do you know what would make their 2022 a little easier? Whether they want to take better care of their body, need a little help with relaxing, want to start working on good gut health, are struggling with their sleep, or just want a general mood booster, these experiences might be just what the doctor ordered:

1. For the one that needs to chill: Magical sound healing

Deep sound healing workshop

This experience will leave them feeling like they're on cloud nine! Sound healing is a deep, meditative practice that uses gongs, singing bowls, voice, and other dreamy instruments to take one to a state of complete relaxation. 

Much like cats purr to comfort and heal themselves, the vibrations from the instruments used during sound bath therapy envelop and comfort you in a deeply peaceful surrounding.

This would be the perfect gift for someone that is just pants at relaxing; the sort of person that's always running around and burning the candle at both ends. 

Magical sound healing, £50 per adult

2. For the one that needs an energy boost: Women's holistic health & nutrition workshop

Holistic health and nutrition workshop in Bristol

They weren't lying when they called them 'gut feelings'. Did you know that the gut has a massive part to play in your mood and how you're feeling? Taking care of your tummy can reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, give you buckets of energy, and give your immune system a boost. 

This workshop will teach you how to look at food as medicine, walk you through how to get all your nutrients, and help you get to grips with feeding your body mindfully and with purpose. This intimate and supportive group setting is a place to open up and take the first steps towards a happier and healthier relationship with food and gut health. Guests will receive in-depth education and an action plan and lots of healthy goodies to take home with them.

This is a wonderful gift for anyone that struggles with their approach to food, has stomach or gut issues, or is looking to break out of diet culture and wishes to become more in touch with their body.

Women's holistic health & nutrition workshop, £150 per adult

3. For the one that's already into health & wellbeing: Wim Hof fundamentals workshop

Wim Hof workshop in Bristol

If your loved one is into their health and fitness it's likely they've heard of Wim Hof. Known as 'The Iceman', Wim Hof uses specialised breathing techniques and other practices to withstand freezing temperatures, boost his resilience, and unlock his full potential. Those that are passionate about focus and reaching their peak performance swear by his methods.

This would be an excellent gift for the person that is into motivational podcasts, taking on challenges, and striving for self-improvement.

Wim Hof fundamentals workshop, £95 per adult

4. For the one who loves to boogie: Learn to salsa beginners masterclass course

Salsa lessons and class in Bristol

It's no secret that dancing is good for the soul. It's a fun way to get some exercise in, is a great way to build confidence, and it's great for meeting new people and making friends. Cuban salsa is smooth, rhythmic, and a brilliant pick-me-up for the chilly winter months.

Jumpfit have bagfuls of interesting and alternative exercise classes, but this six-week salsa course is an experience we'd love to find under the tree. Abelardo, an experienced Cuban salsa teacher from Old Havana, will take this class through an immersive experience of Cuban culture and heritage! 

This gift would be perfect for anyone that likes to get into the groove, wants to start a new hobby, or is looking for a fun and carefree way to get their body moving.

Learn to salsa beginners masterclass course, £99 per adult


5. For the one that likes to explore their feelings: Creative Journaling

Creative journaling in Bristol

Creative journaling is a great way of getting in touch with one's inner emotions through the medium of art. Sometimes words can't quite express how we feel, but art in all its forms can open up and get across emotions that were previously stilted. This workshop is a meditative space in which emotions, thoughts, and feelings can roam free. Emotional intelligence is key to reducing anxiety, improving our relationships, and having a healthy connection to our brain.

This gift is great for someone creative who wants an emotional boost, a stress-relief, or a way to get in touch with their inner self.

Creative Journaling, £53 per adult

Want to find more health and wellbeing experiences? You can find them all here!

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