Wellbeing and happy experiences to enjoy in Bristol 2022

6 big wellbeing trends that will give you a boost in 2022

Last updated on Friday 28 June 2024

When January comes around health and wellbeing is a hot topic, but often the things we choose to boost our wellbeing can actually cause us to feel anxious or disappointed in ourselves. Health and wellbeing has come a long way from step classes and cutting out carbs. We now know that wellbeing is individual and what makes us feel good inside and out looks different for everyone.

Whether you're looking for a better night's sleep, a gut that boasts an impressive ecology, a stronger immune system, or simply a more sustainable way of living, the core message of 2022's wellbeing trends is doing what makes YOU feel good:

1. A happy tum filled with good bacteria

Gut health and nutrition workshops in Bristol

Searches for 'gut health' on Google saw an increase of 83% in 2021. 

Your gut has a big job. It digests your food, extracts nutrients, absorbs energy, is home to a whole ecosystem of bacteria, has a significant say in the state of your hormone balance, and it gets rid of those nasty waste products your body doesn't want. 

Taking care of your tum is not about diet culture, it's about eating a whole variety of foods to keep your body in balance.

Don't know where to start? Not a problem! We have a number of nutrition workshops that will have your belly beaming!

Browse all gut health and nutrition workshops here

2. A decent night's sleep and a fresh start

Positive and healthy sleep workshops in Bristol

Struggling to get a good night's sleep? You're not alone and it's stressing us all out!

Google saw searches for 'stress tracker' increase by 80% and 50% increase in searches for 'cortisol level' in 2021- so it's clear we are all desperate to unwind.

A bad night's sleep can make the day feel impossible, and it's so easy to sleep badly when there are so many things keeping us up at night like screens, worries, and distractions.

Counting sheep not working for you? The Sleep Guru and host Giles is a coach, mentor and the author of 'Positive Sleep - A Holistic Approach to Resolve Sleep Issues and Transform Your Life'. His workshops guide you through the ways to improve your sleep health so you can catch more z's.

Find out more about the Sleep Guru here

3. Expressing our thoughts and emotions healthily

Manifestation and creative journaling workshops in Bristol

Collectively, we haven't known which way is up over the past couple of years- and it shows. The big trend of 2022? Actually working out how we feel and then acting upon it.

In 2021 we Googled 'mood tracker journal' 88% more and 'mood journal' 50% more.

Why journaling? Well, it's a great way to record how you feel and why and it's a useful tool in getting to where you want to be in life. Manifestation through creative journaling opens up a world of possibilities because you subconsciously say yes to the opportunities that will take you there because in the back of your mind you're always thinking of your goals. Cool right?

Want to know how you feel AND get what you want out of life? Manifestation: A Masterclass in Life-Sculpting might just be the workshop for you.

Discover more about creative journaling and manifestation here

4. Giving our immune systems a boost

Immune defence and support in Bristol

Boosting our immune systems will be high on the agenda in 2022.

We're still navigating our way through a global pandemic, so we all want to make sure that our bodies are in tip-top shape in order to stay well.

There's a number of ways you can give your immune system a fighting chance and a bit of a boost. Some people swear by practices such as the Wim Hof Method, whilst others use natural tonics and medicinal herbs.

Browse immune-boosting experiences here

5. Embracing body-positive exercise

Body positive and fun exercise classes in Bristol

Fitness can be used as a wellbeing tool without the focus being on body image or weight. Mindful and fun fitness classes will be even more popular this year as we embrace moving our bodies for the mood-boosting benefits and not what we see in the mirror.

Yoga is a classic go-to exercise form if you're looking for a peaceful and mindful way to get in touch with your body, so you might enjoy kickstarting the year with Yoganuary.

If you fancy something a bit more upbeat and unconventional, our hosts JumpFit have got a number of eclectic classes that you will love. D’n’B boxing, hula hooping, learn to belly dance, learn to salsa... there are fun fitness classes that all embrace body positivity and self-love!

Find your next fitness class here

6. Following an eco-friendlier life

Eco friendly and sustainable experiences in Bristol

Being sustainable, eco-friendly, and kind to the environment will never go out of fashion!

Bristol was the first city in the UK to be named European Green Capital AND we were named Britain's first 'cycling city'. So it's no secret that we're pretty proactive when it comes down to looking after the environment. 

At a time where we feel a lot of climate anxiety, choosing to live more sustainably is invaluable for the planet and our mental health. Thankfully, Bristol is filled with people that know ingenious ways to reduce our waste and make greener choices, and you can meet loads of them through Yuup!

You'll find hundreds of sustainable experiences to suit any interest with Bristol's passionate local people. You could learn a new upcycling skill in 2022, or simply just enjoy an experience knowing that you're making Earth-friendly choices! 

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